Controversy Continues: Thousands Sign Petition Against Daniel Andrews’ National Award

Daniel Andrews petition Australia

A recent petition aimed at revoking former Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews’ Companion of the Order of Australia (AC) award has gained significant traction, drawing support from thousands of Australians. Launched by the Victorian Nationals, this initiative reflects ongoing public dissatisfaction with Andrews’ leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Petition’s Origin and Purpose

The petition was spearheaded by Peter Walsh, the leader of the Victorian Nationals, in response to Andrews being honoured with the AC on the King’s Birthday Honours list. The award recognized Andrews for his “eminent service to the people and Parliament of Victoria, to public health, to policy and regulatory reform, and to infrastructure development.” However, critics argue that his leadership, particularly during the pandemic, does not warrant such an accolade.

Public Grievances

The grievances against Andrews stem from his handling of the COVID-19 crisis, which included some of the world’s longest lockdowns and a controversial hotel quarantine program. The program was linked to a significant outbreak of the virus, leading to numerous deaths. The petition argues that these measures caused extensive pain and suffering, particularly among the elderly and vulnerable populations.

Critics also highlight the severe economic impact of the prolonged lockdowns, citing increased debt and multiple new taxes introduced during Andrews’ tenure. The cancellation of the Commonwealth Games, announced earlier this year due to budgetary constraints, further fueled public discontent.

Voices of Opposition

Peter Walsh, in his statement launching the petition, described the award as “inappropriate and unjustified.” He emphasized the failure of the hotel quarantine system and the excessive lockdown periods, which he claimed left Melbourne “floundering.” Walsh and other petitioners believe that these actions have left lasting negative impacts on Victorians, making Andrews undeserving of the national honour.

Public Support and Criticism

The petition has garnered over 40,000 signatures, reflecting a significant portion of the community’s support for revoking the award. Among the signatories are individuals who experienced the harsh lockdown measures firsthand, including residents of public housing towers who were subjected to strict confinement.

One notable voice is Mohammad Yusef, a former resident of the locked-down towers, who spoke out about the mental health toll and lack of preparedness during the sudden lockdowns. He, like many others, feels that Andrews should not retain his award given the detrimental effects of his policies on ordinary citizens.

End Note

The petition to revoke Daniel Andrews’ Companion of the Order of Australia award underscores the deep divisions and lingering resentment within Victoria over his pandemic policies. While the honour was intended to recognize his public service, the controversy highlights the complexities of leadership during unprecedented times. As the debate continues, the petition serves as a reminder of the varied and profound impacts of political decisions on the lives of citizens.
